Are you interested in learning more about the world of chemistry? Maybe you see yourself becoming a forensic scientist or crime scene investigator? Or you want to explore the wide variety of careers available within biological sciences? Experience Life Sciences endeavors to build on your curiosities of the world around us and embark on your academic journey! Fuel your discovery where every elemental, and personal, bond shapes a brighter scientific future for us all.
Along with building a close-knit community of your peers interested in life sciences, you'll participate in a wide variety of events that showcase the scientific pursuits available to you in the future! From exploring the Omaha's Henry Doorly Zoo and Aquarium and UNL's own Bee Lab to touring behind-the-scenes of various research labs to learn innovative techniques to learning from current forensic professionals about all the future possibilities available, you'll build on your passions here.
Visit the School of Biological Sciences, Department of Chemistry, Department of Forensic Science, Department of Microbiology, and Department of Biochemistry to learn all about the available programs and opportunities you can explore.
Learning Community Details
Who Can Join?
Experience Life Sciences is open to any interested first-year student who may want to pursue a future career in a variety of life sciences. Some of the common majors found in Experience Life Sciences include, but are not limited to, Forensic Science, Chemistry, Microbiology, Biological Sciences, Chemical Engineering, Environmental Science, and so many more.
Residence Hall
- BIOS 180: LC Seminar
- LIFE 120/120L: Fundamentals of Biology I or CHEM 109A/CHEM 109L: General Chemistry I
- Depending on major: