Welcome Event

Welcome Event

Students at the LC Welcome Event playing pool noodle ninja

The week before school starts each fall, all Learning Community students participate in an event to kick off the school year! This is your first chance with the Learning Communities to meet everyone in your community, spend time with your Peer Mentor and your Faculty/Staff Sponsor, and have a great time. Expect to participate in team-building activities, friendly competition against your peers, and get your first of many free giveaways, including your Learning Community t-shirt.


The Friday of Move-In Week - Friday, August 23 from 9:30-11:30 AM!

How to get there:

Your Learning Community Peer Mentor will arrange for your group to meet in your residence hall and walk over/take the bus to the Welcome Event together.


Willa Cather Dining Complex (WCDC)

What to wear:

This event will be inside and outside, so wear comfortable clothing for warm weather and moving around. You'll receive your Learning Community t-shirt at the event, too!