Prism: LGBTQA+ and Allied Students

Prism: LGBTQA+ and Allied Students

Apply by May 1

Prism: LGBTQA+ and Allied Students is a Learning Community for students who identify as LGBTQA+ or are allies of the community, if you identify with that statement, this is the home for you. The Learning Community is housed in suite-style Gender Inclusive Housing (GIH), which requires a GIH Agreement, to take full advantage of gender-inclusive offerings. Prism emphasizes the intersectionality within everyone's identities and allows you to explore your personal identities in a supportive and caring space. You will explore the history of the LGBTQA+ community, as well as current-day issues and community resources. Prism places an emphasis on creating community, and will partner with the Gender and Sexuality Center to provide multiple engagement opportunities for you and your peers.

Students of all majors can be part of Prism, as the community will focus on shared identities and interests rather than an academic field. The courses you take will center around relevant LGBTQA+ issues and will contribute to an LGBTQ/Sexuality Studies minor, if desired. You will even participate in an exclusive seminar your first semester.

By participating in Prism, you will engage with both first-year and upper-division students in order to promote relationships across years in college and experiences. 


a student faces a wall of colorful circle stickers

Community Details

Open To

Any first-year student who identifies as LGBTQA+ or as an ally of the LGBTQA+ community



WMNS 10: Prism LC Seminar

WMNS 201: Introduction to LGBTQ/Sexuality Studies


WMNS/ENGL 212: Intro to LGBTQ Literature

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